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Finding Equilibrium: Building and Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Finding Equilibrium: Building and Maintaining Work-Life Balance

October 15, 20233 min read

I’ve spent the last 10 or so years of my life searching for the perfect work-life balance. Over time, my approach has grown and evolved. 

What do you think of when you hear the term “work-life balance”? What does it look like to balance the demands of your career and the obligations of your personal life? What does it sound like to have balance?

Let’s practice envisioning work-life balance. First, grab a pen and paper and copy this down. Then, take a few minutes to fill in the spaces with your answers. 

Work-Life Balance

When things are going well,
what does life feel, look, and sound like to you?

  • It feels like…

  • It looks like…

  • It sounds like…

Work-Life Balance

When things are NOT going well, what does life feel, look, and sound like to you?

  • It feels like…

  • It looks like…

  • It sounds like…

Our lives are very busy and complex, so you will have to be intentional about finding ways to maintain your work-life balance. I know my life is balanced when I am not feeling stressed or overwhelmed, when my emotions are regulated and I feel calm and energized. I know my life is balanced when I can hear the birds singing. I know it's a little corny, but I truly feel relaxed and at peace when my life is balanced.

Of course there are times when my life is unbalanced. It feels extremely chaotic and stressful. Unhappiness and grouchiness abound. It looks messy and unorganized. It sounds like an incessant jackhammer or an annoying fly that just won’t go away. 

Needless to say, I've had to work very hard in my life to find the work-life balance that works for me. Here are a few more tips on achieving and maintaining work-life balance:

  1. Establish Boundaries - Set boundaries with the people you love. Let them know the time you have available for them. Some weeks may be more than others, which is okay. 

  2. Say “No” - Saying “no” to invitations, events, or being the lead on a project is okay. It can be difficult to do, but it really empowers you to take control of your life. Saying “no” doesn’t have to be rude, rather you can simply state, “That’s not going to work out for me right now. Maybe we can do it another time.”

  3. Move Your Body - It's important to find both time to move your body and time to be still. There is a time and a place for being active and for practicing peaceful, seated meditation. It's important to get your heart rate up, to breathe deeply, to slow down, and to be still. It’s all about balance.

  4. Manage Your Time - Effective time management is crucial to finding the right work-life balance. Use a planner to remember due dates. Schedule downtime reminders on your phone when it’s time to switch from career-mode to mom-mode. Then, with practice and skill, it will get easier and easier to maintain that equilibrium. 

  5. Plan & Prepare - Review your calendar for the week ahead. Look at how busy your week is, paying careful attention to days that may be more jam-packed. Plan when you will be working and when you will be relaxing. Write it down and stick to it.

  6. Take Your Vacation - We live in a society that often shames professionals for taking their hard-earned time off. But I say turn on that out of office email, request off, and relax!

What I have learned: Take time to reflect on your week ahead and work to find balance in your day. 

Join us for the The Professional: Work-Life Balance Summit Oct 21, 2023. Click the Link HERE to join. 

Tania Farran

Tania Farran is an educator, mom, business owner, and an author. Her blogs tell about balancing all of these things in life! Laugh or cry with her and maybe learn a thing or two.

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