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Weekly Parenting Discussions On LinkedIn

Join us on Wednesday 7:00 AM CST. We discuss all things parenting. Together we are building a village. We'd love to have you there.

Raising the Well-Adjusted Child:

A Parent's Manual

Have your kids ever scribbled all over the walls with crayons? Have they ever repeated “Mom” so many times it seemed to lose all meaning? Let’s have a conversation about handling these behaviors and many more. In this book, we will cover everything from creating a routine to building positive relationships, to fun activities for kiddos of all ages. I am here to support you on this incredible journey called parenting. You are not alone. Let’s begin this adventure together.

Parenting Course Part 1

Jump on this parenting journey with me as we dive into my book "Raising the Well-Adjusted Child: A Parent's Manual" chapter by chapter. You will be able to reflect on your current parenting practices and make improvements on your parenting habits along the way, as you see fit for your family. Grab a notebook and a pen to jot down your ideas and answers.

We will discuss the first three chapters of in the book:

• Lifetime Commitment

• United Front

• Forming Connections

​Let's face it parenting can be challenging and rewarding all in one. It takes a village to raise our kids. I am pleased to be a part of your parenting village.

Bump it up to Self-Care

Pregnancy Journal

A 40-Week Helping Hand

It’s no secret pregnancy can be an interesting journey. Bump It up to Self-Care: Mom’s Pregnancy Journal is the perfect tool to help expectant mothers stay grounded throughout their pregnancy by keeping track of sleep quality, the effects of different foods, and much more. Start journaling today to create an intimate record of this incredible experience.

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